Monthly Archives: June 2012

Normandy 1st-3rd June

So this weekend me and my father travelled all the way to Normandy on a coach (I never want to be sat on one of those again) I never really thought that I would be in to the whole “tourist” thing but I actually shocked myself and really enjoyed it. We travelled through Normandy and visited really important locations where major battles/conflicts happened in the second world war, some of these being: Utah Beach, Pegasus Bridge and Ste. Mere Eglise. These locations really inspired me and I am so glad to have seen them.Its very touching to think that so many of our men fought and lost their lives so that we can have the freedom to live our life’s. The tour guide at the end of the trip said something which really touched me “To think that 99% of these boys didn’t want to come here in the first place, and sadly they never left. Thank yourself lucky that you have the option to visit” this quote really put it into perspective for me. Anyways, here are some of my favourite images from this weekend! Domanic x
